Curiosity over Novelty

January 1, 2025

On our morning walk today with our dogs, Nama and Laya, my wife made an interesting observation: "They've been coming to this field every day for the last 4.5 years, but they always curiously sniff around and find something new." It got me thinking, "What's really new in the world?" "What narratives around 'new' do we live by today, and why?" and so on — typical I'm-turning-40-soon thoughts — until I remembered that when I wished Nama and Laya a Happy New Year this morning, they just looked at me and yawned.

I believe 'what's new' is highly subjective. What's new to me could be routine to you, and vice versa. A lot of it depends on one's context, experience, and perspective. That said, here are some of my observations — without judging what is right or wrong.

We overrate new things due to novelty bias

Our brains are wired to seek novelty — a new year, a new job, a new car, a new pair of shoes, a new restaurant, a new mall, a new iPhone, a new iWhatever (counting all the Apple gadgets I've bought over the years). These "new" things trigger dopamine release, making them feel exciting and rewarding.

Modern consumerism thrives on novelty. Billions — if not trillions — of dollars have been spent over decades to convince us that "new" equals "better," feeding our desire to discard the old without much thought. Of course, in many cases, discarding the old is evolutionary and even objective, as "new" things come along that fundamentally change the way we live or operate—think the internet, the first iPhone launch, or AI.

If we didn’t chase 'what's new,' progress and the rate of innovation would stagnate. But it’s worth asking: Are we always chasing novelty for the right reasons?

Finding Newness in the existing world

Is curiosity only about discovering external or material novelty? Newness isn’t a property of an object or experience. If we’re mindful and present, the familiar or mundane can lead to fascinating discoveries when viewed through a fresh lens just like how Nama and Laya discover new things everyday.

Cultivating curiosity in the familiar can be more enriching than constantly chasing external novelty. It deepens our relationship with what we already have, whether that’s a place, an activity, or even a person.

A Year of New Possibilities

A balanced approach could involve consciously choosing novelty when it genuinely adds value while training ourselves to find newness in the familiar. For instance, this year, I plan to learn new skills and explore new directions while also revisiting past experiences with a fresh perspective.

Or it could be as simple as traveling to new places occasionally while also spending time rediscovering hidden gems in our own city.

First day of 2025. Here's to new discoveries ahead!